Rainbow Cross
An art & design studio aims at spreading God's love & grace
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A Savior's Birth
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How Beautiful is the Body of Christ 何等美麗 基督的身體
How beautiful the hands that served
the wine and the bread and the sons of the earth.
何等美麗 那賜予酒和餅 造作地上眾子的雙手
How beautiful the feet that walked
the long, dusty roads and the hills to the cross.
何等美麗 那走過漫漫塵世之路 走向山崗上十字架的雙腳
How beautiful, how beautiful,
how beautiful is the body of Christ.
何等美麗 何等美麗 何等美麗 基督的身體
How beautiful the heart that bled,
that took all my sin and bore it instead.
何等美麗 那為我流血 除盡我罪 代替我承擔的心
How beautiful the tender eyes
that chose to forgive and never despise.
何等美麗 那選擇原諒 從不鄙視的溫柔眼神
How beautiful, how beautiful,
how beautiful is the body of Christ.
何等美麗 何等美麗 何等美麗 基督的身體
And as He laid down His life,
we offer this sacrifice:
因祂捨下生命 我們獻上自己為祭
that we will live just as He died,
willing to pay the price,
willing to pay the price.
我們為祂而活 因祂已為我們而死
甘願付上代價 甘願付上代價
How beautiful the radiant Bride
who waits for her Groom with His light in her eyes.
何等美麗 那等候她新郎 眼中有祂光采的亮麗新娘
How beautiful when humble hearts give
the fruit of pure lives so that others may live.
何等美麗 謙卑的心結出純淨生命的果實 使他人得生
How beautiful, how beautiful,
how beautiful is the body of Christ.
何等美麗 何等美麗 何等美麗 基督的身體
How beautiful the feet that bring
the sound of good news and the love of the King.
何等美麗 那傳報佳美之音與上帝之愛的腳蹤
How beautiful the hands that serve
the wine and the bread and the sons of the earth.
何等美麗 那供應酒和餅 服事地上眾子的雙手
How beautiful, how beautiful,
how beautiful is the body of Christ.
何等美麗 何等美麗 何等美麗 基督的身體